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HiDHA 2024 Rulebook
General Rules


HiDHA 2024 Rulebook


Our insurance carrier requires all riders, handlers, owners, lessees or lessors to be members of HIDHA. NO EXCEPTIONS and all visitors to sign our Release of Liability form.
Proper attire is required - Western: long sleeve shirt with collar, pants, belt, boots, western hat or helmet. - English: breeches, riding boots and helmet are required. Lead Line Handlers are required to be in their respective English or Western attire. Hunt coats will be dismissed at judge's discretion. All youth/junior Hunt Seat riders are required to wear an ASTM/SEI approved helmet, with a permanently attached chinstrap whenever mounted. Braiding, banding, and chaps are optional. the horses. A parent or guardian/representative must sign the waiver and release for exhibitors under 18 years of


Refunds will be issued to those scratching or switching classes. However, if you wish to scratch or switch a class, it must be done no later than 2 classes prior, with the approval of the show manager. No refunds will be issued regarding Membership or Sponsorships fees. Refunds will be mailed within 14 days after approval of the show management unless rider paid fees.

If you do not pre enter (via online or email) and you enter the day of the show, post entry prices apply. All other fees remain as stated on the entry form. Payment for pre-entries must be made when you check-in with the office. If you leave an open check, the Office will close your check at the conclusion of your classes. No Exceptions!
A bank charge of $35.00 will be added to each returned check. Thereafter, that person will be on a cash only payment basis. NO EXCEPTIONS!
Adding classes must be done at least 2 classes in advance in the office, no adding classes at the gate!


HiDHA reserves the right to cancel or combine any class, for example, Walk-Trot 17 and under may be combined (run at the same time) with 18 and over, judged separately. This includes any classes that do not consistently have 3 or more entries after the 2nd show of the season. When and if classes are combined, points will be awarded to corresponding age breaks or divisions where applicable.

Tack changes: limited to three (3) minutes and must be scheduled through the office 2 classes in advance.

Age of a rider is as of January 1 of the current year.
Age of a horse is as of January 1st of the current year. Junior horse is defined as 5 years or younger as of Jan 1st. Senior Horse is defined as 6 years or older as of Jan 1st.


Dogs: All dogs must be on a leash as per Los Angeles County leash law.

High Point of the Day Award:

To qualify for any high point of the day award, you must sign up in the office before entering your first class and pay high point fee for each division and enter ALL qualifying classes in that division. All California drug laws apply.

No vehicles except those attached to trailers may park in the trailer area on the show grounds. Vehicles not attached to a
horse trailer must park on the street along N-3 in front of Desert Rider's Show grounds. NO EXCEPTIONS!


Western and English Walk Jog/Trot
Exhibitors may NOT cross enter into any loping/cantering classes with the exception of Country Pleasure. Exhibitors showing in any flat Walk Jog/Trot class including Trail, Halter, Showmanship, and Country Pleasure may only show in Walk/Trot classes (Walk Jog/Trot exhibitors' may not Lope/Canter in the Country Pleasure classes, you must maintain your walk Jog/Trot status). Exceptions: Exhibitors may school in canter/lope classes by paying the entry fee and flipping their numbers. Exhibitors must inform show management ahead of time of the classes they will be schooling in. You may enter loping classes on a different horse with a different number! In Western classes, a Jr. Horse (5 years & under) may be shown in a snaffle, hackamore or bit at the discretion of the rider at any time. When using a snaffle or hackamore, two hands must be used.



will be based on HIDHA's financial status at the end of the year. Awards depend on class participation during the year and the number of class sponsors obtained. Awards will be provided as the budget allows and will be determined by the current HIDHA Board of Directors.

Rain dates are used when the arena condition becomes unusable or hazardous due to rain & unsafe conditions. The show management & The Board of Directors will make that determination on Saturday or Sunday morning before 8:00am. Once the show has started there is no stopping the show unless the Show Office Manager, the Judge & your Board of Directors deems it is unsafe to continue. No Exceptions.
Order of go in individual work classes will be determined at random. If you required a certain order of go for you and your horse, you must notify the office when signing up to enter the class.


Scoring for High Point of the Day and Year-End Awards will be the same and are as follows:


In classes of less than 6 entries the points will correspond to the number of entries in that class. In classes with 10 or more entries, 1 extra point will be given to the 1st place winner. Ribbons will be given through 5th place with points given through 6th place.


Exhibitors riding and not placing in a HIDHA class will receive 1⁄2 point for participating in the class for Hi Point of the day & Year End awards.

Ties will be broken as follows: Tiebreakers for year-end awards will be based on the rider receiving the most 1st place ribbons in that class, then the most 2nd place ribbons and so forth (to 6th place), until the tie is broken. If a tie still exists, then the rider who showed the most times will be the winner.
Judges' scorecards will be used to settle all disputes in any scoring issue that may arise. The judge's decision is the FINAL decision.


In the event a rider must change horses during the year, all points in English or Western Showmanship, Equitation and Horsemanship will carry over to new horse. In case of Death or Loss of use for the remainder of the show year, exhibitor must show reasonable proof to the Board of Directors in order to substitute another horse for the remainder of the show year. Only one substitution per exhibitor/per show year - No Exceptions!

HiDHA follows AQHA rules: HiDHA rules supersede


Protests may be made to the Association by an exhibitor, agent, trainer or parent of a junior exhibitor for any violation of the Association Rules. The protest must be:
1. In writing
2. Signed by the protestor
3. Addressed to the Board of Directors of the Association
4. Accompanied by a non-refundable fee of $50.00
5. Received by the Board of Directors within 48 hours of the alleged violation.
A protest must state the full name and address of the accused or the name, entry number and the date of the show at which the violation occurred. It must contain a complete and definite statement of the act(s), which constituted the alleged violation. Precise details regarding the violation of the rules are necessary. The protest must include substantiation of the protest by personal testimony or by sworn statements, witnesses and/or other evidence, which will be presented to the Board of Directors at a hearing. A protest against a show recognized by the Association must be referred to the Board of Directors


Tack changes shall be limited to 3 minutes and MUST be cleared through the Show Office a minimum of 2 classes in advance.
Be ready to enter the arena. HIDHA reserves the right to disqualify anyone who delays a class. If you are asked to leave the arena for any reason, such as 3 refusals, unsportsmanlike conduct or abuse or unsoundness of an animal, you must leave immediately. DO NOT jump any other fence(s) or attempt any other obstacle(s). Failure to comply disqualifies that horse from all other classes and forfeits all fees paid for that show that day. NO EXCEPTIONS!!
If you wish to ask a judge a question, please do so at the end of the day through the office. Thanks


A sponsorship is required for a rider to qualify for year-end awards. Your Sponsorship can be paid through any business, friend, or yourself. The fee is $50.00 at the March and April shows, $75.00 at the May and June shows and $100.00 at any show after June. All required sponsorships must be paid by the last show or a $25 late fee will be applied. This will be strictly enforced. Required is defined as the "one" sponsorship each exhibitor must obtain in order to qualify for any year-end awards.


1. To qualify for individual class year-end awards, you must have a minimum of 15 points for Champion in that class.
2. To qualify for Reserve Championship Award, you must meet a point minimum of 10 points. 3. You must show in that class at a minimum of 4 different shows during the year.
4. Each HiDHA rider is responsible for obtaining a minimum of one sponsorship per year. (See sponsorship
5. If your point minimum is not met, you may buy in and pay a $50 fee per class or
Division Buckle to HiDHA to receive your Champion or Reserve Champion award or forfeit your year-end award!



A recognized show shall be defined, as any show recognized by an Association giving year-end awards.

AMATEUR: Any rider, regardless of age, who has not received monetary compensation for performing services in or relating to equestrian occupations such as training, riding lessons, showing or judging, as per AQHA rules.


exhibitors may cross enter into Halter, Showmanship, Country Pleasure & Trail ONLY.


A novice rider is an amateur or youth not having won 3 first places in that particular class at ANY recognized show, prior to Jan 1 of current year. A novice horse is defined as a horse not having won 3 first places prior to Jan 1 of the current year. A Novice rider and/or a Novice horse "of any age" may be ridden two handed in a snaffle or hackamore in the Ranch Horse classes only.

A Junior Horse (5 & under) may be shown in a snaffle or hackamore with two hands. A Senior Horse (6 & over) must be shown one handed in a bridle (English classes and Ranch Horse classes exempt). In Western classes, a Jr. Horse (5 years & under) may be shown in a snaffle, hackamore or bit at the discretion of the rider at any time. When using a snaffle or hackamore, two hands must be used.


We will be using AQHA and/or Ranch Horse reining patterns. Reining patterns are available in the office.
Youth, Amateur & Novice points count as horse/rider team only for any year end awards. For Showmanship, Equitation,
and Horsemanship classes, all points count on exhibitor only for class year end awards. Points earned in these classes can be carried over to a different horse. In Open classes that are judged on the horse, points will accumulate on the horse only regardless of the exhibitor.
New horses acquired during the year, must be added to your HIDHA membership and a fee must be paid before points will be counted for that horse. Horse registration fee is for each horse/rider combination and must be paid with your membership.
Horses must be registered with the same rider name/horse name/same number that will be used throughout the entire season for points to count, HIDHA uses permanent


Horse/rider combination numbers, lost numbers and requests for new numbers will be charged a $5.00 replacement fee.

ENGLISH/WESTERN/RANCH OVERALL CHAMPION YEAR END AWARD: Western & English combined. To be eligible you must show in all English, Ranch & all Western classes approved for that division high point at a minimum of 4 shows. A minimum of 250 points is required for the Champion Award. Awards are based on one horse/ one rider team


ENGLISH/WESTERN/RANCH OVERALL AGE BREAK YEAR END AWARDS: One award in each age break 17 & Under and 18 & Over Western & English combined. To be eligible you must show in all English, Ranch & Western classes approved for that division high point at a minimum of 4 shows. A minimum of 250 points is required for the Champion Award. Awards are based on one horse/ one rider team

WESTERN HI-POINT WALK/JOG YEAR END AWARD: One award in Western Walk/Jog. To be eligible you must show in all Western classes approved for that division high point at a minimum of 4 shows. A minimum of 200 points is required for the Champion Award. Awards are based on one horse/one rider team.

SINGLE HI-POINT WESTERN AGE BREAK YEAR END AWARDS: One award in each age break in each division.17 & under and 18 & Over: all age break classes and Open classes listed on the premium will count toward year-end hi-point age break awards. To be eligible you must show all approved classes at a minimum of 4 shows. Awards are based on one horse/one rider team. A minimum of 200 points is required for the Champion Award. For 12 & Under: a minimum of 20 for Champ Award.


One award in each age break in each division: 17 & under and 18 & Over: all age break classes and Open classes listed on the premium will count toward year-end hi-point age break awards. To be eligible you must show all approved classes at a minimum of 4 shows. Hi-point awards are based on a one-horse/one-rider team. A minimum of 100 points is required for the Champion Award. 6 & Under Lead-line: a minimum of 20 for Champ Award.


One award in English Walk/Trot. To be eligible you must show in all approved English classes approved for that division high point at a minimum of 4 shows. A minimum of 100 points is required for the Champion Award. Awards are based on one horse/ one rider team


Must show all approved Open Western classes at a minimum of 4 shows to be eligible. In Open classes that are judged on the horse, points will accumulate on the horse only regardless of the exhibitor. Classes to count are Open classes only listed on the premium. A minimum of 200 points is required for the Champion Award.


Must show all approved Open English classes at a minimum 4 shows to
be eligible. In Open classes that are judged on the horse, points will accumulate on the horse only regardless of the exhibitor. A minimum of 100 points is required for the Champion Award.



To be eligible you must show all classes within the Novice division at a minimum 4 shows. A minimum of 200 points is required for the Champion Award.


To be eligible you must show all classes within the Novice division at a minimum 4 shows. A minimum of 100 points is required for the Champion Award.


To be eligible you must show all classes within the Ranch Horse Open OR Ranch Horse Walk/Trot Divisions at a minimum of 4 shows. A minimum of 200 points is required for the Champion Award..


One award in the 12 & Under age break in the Ranch Horse division. All age break classes listed on the premium will count toward year-end hi-point age break awards. To be eligible you must show in all classes within the Ranch Horse Division at a minimum of 4 shows. All age breaks require a minimum of 200 points. A minimum of 100 points is required for the 12 & Under Champion Award.

LAMENESS (AQHA SHW325) The judge shall examine and check for lameness of all horses brought into any class. The judge has the authority to excuse any horse from the class, due to lameness, at any time while being judged. This is essential regardless of whether or not the competition indicates it is necessary. SHW325.1 Obvious lameness shall be cause for dismissal & disqualification. Obvious lameness is: SHW325.1.1 Consistently observable at a trot under all circumstances; SHW325.1.2 Lameness is obvious at a walk; SHW325.1.3 Minimal weight-bearing in motion and/or at rest and inability to move.


The purpose of Performance Horse Halter is to select well-mannered individuals in the order of their resemblance to their specific breed ideal and that are the most positive combination of balance, structural correctness, and movement with appropriate breed and sex characteristics and adequate muscling. The ideal Performance Horse conformation should have a natural appearance from head to tail. To be eligible to compete in Performance Horse Halter the horse must enter in at least 1 riding class in their Division the day of the show. Horses are to be shown in: rope, braided, nylon, leather or silver show halters. Any horse shown in the Performance Horse Halter class may not be shown with a lip cord, however a lead shank with an attached chain may be used under the chin or over the nose.



• No braided or banded manes or tail extensions
• Trimming bridle path is allowed, also trimming of fetlocks or excessive (long) facial hair.
• Equipment with excessive or nonfunctional silver should not count as a good working outfit, Silver on bridles and
saddles is discouraged; a penalty may be given by the judge for non-removal.
• When exhibiting in a snaffle bit or hackamore, an exhibitor may switch between two hands and one hand on the
reins only during trail classes and on an obstacle requiring one hand to work the obstacle.
• Ranch Horse exhibitors may ride two handed in the bridle.
• Any horse regardless of age may be ridden two handed in a snaffle bit or hackamore. • A Novice rider
may ride two handed in a snaffle bit or Hackamore on an aged horse (horse of any age).
The purpose of the ranch riding class is to measure the ability of the horse to be a pleasure to ride while being used as a means of conveyance from performing one ranch task to another. The horse should reflect the versatility, attitude and movement of a working ranch horse riding outside the confines of an arena. The horse should be well-trained, relaxed, quiet, soft and cadenced at all gaits. The ideal ranch horse will travel with forward movement and demonstrate an obvious lengthening of stride at the extended gait. The horse can be ridden with light contact or on a relatively loose rein without requiring undue restraint, but not shown on a full drape of reins. The overall manners and responsiveness of the ranch riding horse to make timely transitions in a smooth and correct manner, as well as the quality of the movement are of primary considerations. The ideal ranch riding horse should have a natural ranch horse appearance from head to tail in each


The purpose of Ranch Horse Conformation is to select well-mannered individuals in the order of their resemblance to their specific breed ideal and that are the most positive combination of balance, structural correctness, and movement with appropriate breed and sex characteristics and adequate muscling.
The ideal Ranch Horse conformation should have a natural appearance from head to tail.
• No hoof polish, braided or banded manes or tail extensions; dismissal from the class or a penalty may be given by
the judge.
• Equipment with silver should not count as a good working outfit; dismissal from the class or a penalty may be given
by the judge for a silver show halter. Exhibitors may show in a nylon, rope, or leather halter.


Sportsmanship Award

Presented in recognition of the exhibitor who displayed the most exemplary sportsmanship during the show year. An exhibitor who always competed strongly and fairly, won graciously, did not complain in defeat, assisted and encouraged fellow competitors and respected their horse. THIS AWARD WILL NOT BE GIVEN IF NO ONE DISPLAYED THE DESIRED LEVEL OF SPORTSMANSHIP.


Sport Award:
Presented, in recognition of the non-exhibitor who displayed the most exemplary support of the exhibitors and the Association during the show year.


Go-Getter Award:
The HIDHA Go-Getter Award is presented at the HIDHA Awards Banquet. This award is given to the HIDHA member who has obtained the most cash sponsorships for the year.


Points can be earned at HIDHA towards the following Associations/Programs. Please visit their websites for further information and joining (membership required):

HiDHA follows USEF & AQHA rules except where HiDHA rules supersede.

2024 Show Dates:
March 24 - Single Point
April 21 - Double Point
May 5 - Single Point
June 2 -Double Point

Rain Date:
June 23 

Revised: 3/13/2024


©2022 copyright by Hi Desert Horsemen’s Association  

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